About Me

By the light of the moon

I have always been an empath; highly sensitive and very much influenced by the less ‘visible’ energies that surround us all.

As a child, I was fortunate to spend time living on a small Island in the South Pacific, and later, grow up in a small sea-side village in New Zealand.

I was completely enveloped by an abundance of nature. And it didn’t seem at all unusual to me that I understood, and much preferred, the whisperings of the natural world much better than the sometimes clamorous and callous human one.

Nature was always my greatest source of joy


Bernadette Marama Gavin About

As I grew older I discovered not everyone practiced being gentle with and caring for our planet, and being an empath like many of you, I was often distraught at how Mother Nature was frequently treated.

“Sometimes I thought my heart would break

if I looked too closely

at the world”

Feeding a fervid desire to follow my passion for adventure and travel, in my late teens I leave school and set off full-speed ahead on a string of adventures spanning seven years that take me over seas, up mountains, down rivers; surfing, sailing, skiing, white water rafting and skydiving.

Then, at age 24, while back packing in Europe, I happen to meet a solo sailer. Before long I find myself joining him on his quest to circumnavigate the globe on a small sailboat.

I have no idea how much this will impact my life!

sailing as a surfer
sailing around the globe, by the light of the moon

Sailing more than 28,000 nautical miles over four years on a small yacht, dealing with countless hours alone on the wild ocean, demanded immense endurance. Thrust into the present moment in order to stay alive meant I had nowhere else to go but deep within my Self, bringing me to the thresholds of my own inner impasses.

And as we travelled deeper into the wilderness, both on the ocean and plunging toward my deepest, darkest self, I truly discover my own internal strength and stillness.

I learn to embrace this sensitive side of me. 
I find the source of my superpower.

After completing this mammoth journey, I leave the small sail boat and return home to Raglan, New Zealand — on what I think is going to be brief visit — and meet my future partner, Phil.

Two years later, with a new baby and a passionate desire to create an inspirational hub and place for rest, rejuvenation and reconnection for travellers world-wide, Solscape is born, an eco retreat and progressive learning centre. 

It’s during this time, thirteen years after my high-seas adventure on the sailboat, through a process of self-reflective writing as a therapeutic way to revisit a past that was still haunting me, I begin unearthing memories that reveal breadcrumb trails of deeper truths about myself and where I belong in the world.

As a result, my memoir, By the Light of the Moon is written and published

Since then I have devoted my time to supporting others in reconnecting with their own inner wellspring of strength and stillness and finding their own superpowers

Over the next 17 years, while growing Solscape and our beautiful daughter Sequoia, I develop my skills in the healing arts, supporting hundreds of guests in reconnecting with their empowered Self through yoga, wholistic bodywork, energy clearing, craniosacral therapy and Sacred Journey Guidance.

I soon discover the more clients I see, and the more I tune into that specific ‘quality of being’ I had almost been afraid of as a child, and then embraced and enhanced while sailing on the wild oceans, the more I am able to ‘sense’ and receive insights into people’s past, present and potential.

The healing techniques I have developed over this time are a catalyst for opening to profound healing and allowing a life with more love, clarity, meaning and purpose.

Finding your purpose and superpowers

There are many ways I can support you, no matter what it is you are going through and where you are on your spiritual path

Click to see my offerings


When, a few years later, I discover that Animal Communication is an ‘actual thing’ and not just something I have been imagining/yearning for, it changes my world forever!

And another piece of my purpose puzzle slips beautifully into place

After waiting many years for the right teacher, I come across Animal Communicator and Afterlife Expert, Karen Anderson, the perfect mentor to support my growth in developing my intuitive skills and to better understand animals and their needs through ‘interspecies communication.’

I am beyond thrilled to offer this same gift of compassion, connection and insight to your beloved animals.


ACTIVATE your Welcome to the Circle Gift Basket and go in the draw to WIN 1 of 100 FREE COPIES of my memoir By the Light of the Moon,
a high-seas adventure that plunged me towards my deepest, darkest self .

PLUS receive $25 off your first session, A FREE 15 minute Meet Me call, a FREE 30 minute Energy Clearing for your pet - AND instant download of my Ultimate SuperPower Start Up Guide.

Valued at $140