What is Animal Whispering and how does it work?

Animal Whispering, or Animal Communication as it is often called, is the transfer of messages between human and non-human animals. It is based on telepathy or mind-to-mind communication. Telepathy has been around for centuries and anyone can learn the simple steps to using this tool to connect with their pet on a deeper level. In fact some of you already are without knowing it.

Over 200 years ago, scientists began to recognise that nothing in the Universe is solid and everything is made out of energy. I have always been acutely aware of, and influenced by energy. Now, with decades of experience as a healer, I have learnt to better understand the different qualities and subtleties within a being’s energy and what they might mean. Just as with humans, an animal’s energy field contains all of their life experiences, including their present situation and their potential. By tuning in, I can detect, listen for, or ‘read' this information. 

In an animal session I use a photograph to make the connection.

Animals will often send images to convey a thought or a message. 

For example, think about your favourite food. 

Picture what it looks like. 

You can probably see it in your mind even though you are reading this page. Notice how the image you had in your mind now fades as you redirect your focus back to these words. That is how animals send pictures or images. They can appear very quickly and disappear just as fast. By paying attention to the images, I can describe what I am seeing and convey the message to you. 

Sometimes there will be a combination of images, sensations or feelings, words and sounds. 

For example, I was once had a client with a cat named Jack. She wanted me to find out what Jack’s favourite toy was. Quietly, in my mind, I asked Jack the question. Instantly I heard the word ‘mouse’ and then saw an image of a ball. I wasn’t sure which answer was right, so I told Jack’s human what I was getting. She explained that Jack’s favourite toy was a ball called Mouse! 

Can my departed pet really talk to me?

When an animal ‘dies', their soul leaves their physical body behind. But, just as everything is energy, so too is the soul. This means I can still read the energy of an animal that is no longer in their body. An animal no longer in their physical body are pure energy, and with fewer physical distractions, connecting with a 'deceased animal’ can actually be easier. 

I connect with your deceased pet by also using a photograph. 

What can I expect from an Animal Session?

An Animal Whispering session is an opportunity to create a more harmonious and loving connection with your animals. It enables you and your animals to share love, feelings and important information.

You will hear many things about your pets that you already know, along with new information that can bring profound connection, clarity, joy and healing to both you and your animals.

Pets will share all kinds of information that can help you understand behaviour problems, health issues, age-related concerns and even afterlife communication.

I will initially spend 30 minutes connecting with your animal on my own at a time that you agree on. I will cover any goals you may have in each session and make sure your questions or concerns are addressed.

I will then spend another 30 minutes in conversation with you, sharing all of the information and messages I have received from your animal.
Every session brings something new and unique, and I never know what information will come through.

How can an Animal Session help me with my pet?

Hearing your pet's perspective can be a life-changing moment and after an Animal Session, often people are profoundly moved and never see the world the same way again. A session can bring insight into behaviour problems, health concerns or any other issues that are troubling you.

We can discover why your pet is behaving a certain way, or find out more about their pain or discomfort levels. They can share insights as to what they need to be happy, healthy and whole. If you are grieving the loss of a pet, a session can help you navigate through your emotions and ultimately move you into a place of healing.

Although a session is never a cure for grief, as there are no shortcuts through the pain, a session can bring powerful messages, and gift us clarity and peace of mind.

Do I need to be near my pet during the call?

Not at all. Because I work with the energy of your animals, I can access this energy from any location. Neither time nor distance is a barrier during any session. In the initial 30 minutes that I am connecting with your pet, they can be doing whatever they want. You do not need to be with them. You can be at work and they can be at home.
It will not make any difference in the outcome of your session.

When you and I have our conversation to share the messages, your pet can again be doing whatever they want.
You and your pet don’t need to be together.  

Can I do an Animal Session in person?

I don’t need to be with your animal to do an Animal Whispering session. In fact, without the distractions of me actually being with your animal, connecting remotely with a photo is often much easier and the information clearer. 

I can send and receive messages very well simply by having a photo of your animals to connect with. 

In person sessions with your animals are very effective when performing craniosacral therapy and/or energy clearings. Animals respond very well to this gentle hands on therapy and often fall asleep! If you are wanting a combination of Animal Whispering, craniosacral therapy and energy clearing, we can work out a time to do all three, with the latter two modalities being in person. 

How do I set up an appointment with you?

To set up an Animal Whispering session simply click HERE. This will take you to my bookings page. 

If you still have questions or wish to meet me first, click HERE to get in touch with me, we can then set up a time for a 15 minute FREE call. 

Can I record my phone session?

Recording your session is highly recommended as it can be difficult to remember everything that happens.

I use a platform called FreeConferenceCall which I use to call you on. But we can also use Skype, Zoom, or Face Time. Our call can be recorded on all of these platforms. You will receive an audio mp3 file after your call. This file can be downloaded and saved to your computer or laptop so you can enjoy it for years to come.

Is there a certain amount of time to wait when grieving from the loss of a pet?

Because of the overwhelming emotions and pain we feel after a loss, I recommend that you wait until you feel emotionally stable before scheduling a session. Your pets do not need any time to 'adjust' to being in spirit form and will be ready to communicate at any time.

Tears are always welcome, but overwhelming emotions can cause you to have unrealistic expectations and you may miss out on important messages as you try to manage your emotions. It is always best to wait until you are emotionally calm to communicate with your beloved pet.

How many sessions can I schedule with my pet?

Having too many appointments can tend to get very boring for your animal and they can begin to send fewer and fewer messages. I recommend an annual or bi-annual appointment with your pet. This will keep things fresh and will allow more messages to accumulate. An exception would be if there were extenuating circumstances or if an emergency situation arises. 

Remember, I can only obtain the information your pet wants to share or that which is for the highest and best good for all involved.

What information will I obtain from a session? 

Pets have their own agenda and I can only share what they send to me. The images, feelings or words are like pieces to a puzzle and I often can’t see the whole picture. 

Some information will immediately make sense and resonate with you. Other details may not yet, as it pertains to an event in the future. And sometimes, information will come through that makes no sense to either of us, and later I'll hear back from my clients to say they suddenly figured out what a certain message meant. That is normal and to be expected in your session.

Just like humans, some pets are chatty and talkative, while others remain more quiet and reserved. Each session and each pet is unique.

I once had an Animal Whispering session with a dog named Toby. In our session, Toby told me many things about his life which his owner confirmed were correct. I sensed there was something very unique about the health of this dog, but when I asked about his physical well-being, Toby assured me things were great. His owner later told me Toby was missing a back leg! Toby had not mentioned anything about the fact he only had three legs, in his view, he was fine. He wasn’t in pain and was used to getting around. He was ‘whole’ as far as he was concerned. 

We all want validation that it is truly our pet coming through. I will share everything that comes through from your pets and will work diligently to obtain as many specific details as possible. 

For the best results, be open to whatever messages your pet wants to share.

Please note: A session should never be a substitute for regular and proper veterinarian care.

Is there information you cannot obtain?

I will only receive what I am allowed to share. One of the most difficult things to understand is that some things are not ours to know, and we aren't always supposed to heal our pets from illnesses. If your pet is unwell, I may or may not be able to obtain information on how to ‘fix’ them.

I believe part of our learning is to open our hearts to our beloved animals and share this journey with them. If you are meant to heal them, you will.

Can I give you questions to ask my pet?

Yes. I will share your questions with your pet during the half hour session I have with them. 

Just remember, your animals have their own agenda and may not want to discuss tragic situations. When I go into listen mode and let your pet do the talking, you’ll be amazed at how many of your questions they answer on their own.

What if you can't make the connection?

Although I have never experienced this, for various reasons, it can happen.  

If this were the case, we would simply reschedule your session for another day. In the unlikely event that this were to continue to happen, we would brush it off as 'we did our best' and I would refund your money.

What do I need to do to prepare for a session?

There is nothing you need to do. 

But something that can be helpful and fun leading up to your animal’s appointment with me, is for you to find some time to feel excited and positive about the upcoming session. If you want to, you can even (literally or through your feelings) relay to your pet that you are looking forward to sharing messages with them.

Once it is time for you and I to have our call, it is best for you to find a quiet place where you’ll not be disturbed, so you can really absorb the information I relay from your pet.

What is The Circle and how do I join?

The Circle is for seekers, empaths and animal-lovers who want inspiration, connection and transformation. You will be the first to know about special offers, freebies, events, and other cool stuff I have coming up. I am also sending you a little welcome gift, my ebook the “Ultimate SuperPower Startup” guide. I think you’ll love this one!

Our inboxes are often overwhelmed with emails and I certainly don’t want to clutter your life! I promise to only send a message monthly or less, and only stuff I genuinely think you will love.

The Circle members also receive bonuses not available to the general public and discounted fees on sessions. So once you’re a part of The Circle, be sure to open my emails right away as most special offers or appointments sell out quickly.

Check your spam folder if you sign up and don’t receive a WELCOME EMAIL within 10 minutes.

You can unsubscribe at any time - but I do hope you stay :-)